April 20, 2015

Super Easy Vegan Pancakes

Hello you guys! If you follow me on Instagram you probably know that I love pancakes and what's better than vegan refined sugar free pancakes?! This recipe is super easy and never has failed me! All you need is:1 ripe banana, 1,5 cup plant based milk of your choice, 1 tsp baking soda, 1,5 cup flour( I used whole wheat and oat flour) and if you have you can add 1 tbsp chia seeds as I did! Depending on the size of banana you might need to add more milk or flour, Now just put all the ingredients in blender and blend everything untill smooth. Bake on non stick pan for around 2 minutes each side. Enjoy!

April 10, 2015

Vegan Lemon Blueberry Cupcakes

These are heaven! Really you guys, I was actually impressed with how they turned out, they are this good! And they are vegan, healthy and easy to make so nothing stops you from maing them!
1 cup plant based milk (I used oat milk)
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1/2 cup raw cane sugar
3 tbsp virgin coconut oil
juice from half a lemon
rind of one lemon
1 tsp baing soda
2 tbsp chia seeds
1 & 1/3 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup blueberries 

Mix together milk and apple cider vinegar and let it work its magic, it'll allow non diary milk to act more like buttermilk and gives nice crumb. After few minutes add the rest of your ingredients, adding blueberries at the very end and mix them into batter very carefully, which I didint do and my batter turned all purple oops! Scup the batter into a cupcake tin and bake for around 30 minutes in 180 C. Recipe makes 12 tiny cupcakes! Enjoy 


April 6, 2015


Hi guys, so finally first post! Sorry it took me so long! But here I am with my first recipe for this absolutely delicious vegan gluten free cheesecake. Well there is obviously no cheese but it literally tastes like cheesecake and has the same consistency. I am sure you will love it! You can make a lot of different flavours but I decided to go with coconut because's coconut!
1 cup raw millet
1 & 1/2 cup plant based milk( I used vanilla rice milk)
1 cup coconut cream
1/3 cup sweetener ( I used raw cane sugar)
1/2 cup coconut flakes
1 tbsp lucuma powder (optional)
4 tbsp lemon juice

First cook your millet with milk and coconut cream (it will take around 20 minutes). In meantime toast coconut flakes. When your millet is cooked add sugar and around 2/3 of coconut flakes and blend everything until smooth. Add lemon juice and lucuma powder, mix everything and that's it! Now grease your cake form with coconut oil and sprinkle some coconut flakes, Pour cake batter and sprinkle the rest of coconut flakes on top. Bake in preheated to 180 C oven for around 1 hour! 
